Industrial Protection

Standing up for your rights

We're here for you when you need us most

You have the right to have support alongside you during disciplinary meetings or other issues relating to the workplace. Being a member of HACSU means that industrial protection support is right by your side.

HACSU strives to make sure that our members workplace rights and professional lives are protected and respected. If you ever find yourself in a position where you will require industrial protection, we will be ready to represent you and your career.

As part of your membership, we can provide representation for:

  • Workers compensation
  • Tasmanian Industrial Commission matters
  • Anti-discrimination issues
  • Applications to the Fair Work Commission
  • Advice on general legal matters

Remember, HACSU is here for you, and support and advice is only a phone call away. Click here to find out more about our dedicated support team, HACSUassist.

Workplace representation

Our HACSU workplace organisers are here ready and able to help and stand up for you when you need it most.

In the event of disciplinary action, all you simply need to do is contact us to let us know, and we will arrange your HACSU organiser to go with you.

Their experience and understanding will ensure that your concerns and rights are respected and heard. Don't forget too that HACSUassist is available to call for on-the-spot advice and support regarding workplace representation matters.

Representation of legal matters

HACSU is also in your corner should issues escalate to legal matters. HACSU's Legal Officers will provide you with expert legal protection. You can read more about our legal protection for members by clicking here.

HACSU works in partnership with the firm Hall Payne Lawyers. Hall Payne Lawyers share our views on justice and protecting your rights, and will offer unrivalled legal advice and representation to all of our members should they need it.

You can read more about Hall Payne Lawyers, the work that they do and the services that they offer by clicking here.