Common legal phrases and what they mean

Keep this guide handy for when you need to translate legal speak quickly and easily

Bona fide
Implies sincere, good intention regardless of outcome.

When used by itself, refers to a qualification, or a warning.

Compos mentis
Of sound mind.

De facto
Often used to mean something that is true in practice, but has not been officially instituted or endorsed. "For all intents and purposes".

De jure
Something established in law, whether or not it is true in general practice.

Having been made in error.

An intimation about someone or something, made indirectly or vaguely suggesting the thing being implied. Often used when the implied thing is negative or derogatory.


Ipso facto
Used in the context that one event is a direct and immediate consequence of another. "In and of itself".

Modus Operandi
Manner of operation. A person's particular way of doing things. Used when using behavioural analysis while investigating a crime. Often abbreviated "M.O."

Vice versa
The other way around. Something that is the same either way.
Per capita
By the head.

Per se
By itself. Something that is, as a matter of law.

Persona non grata
Unwelcome person.

Prima facie
A matter that appears to be sufficiently based in the evidence as to be considered true, "on the face of it".

Pro bono
For the public good. Professional work done for free.

Pro forma
As a matter of form.

Pro rata
From the rate. A calculation adjusted based on a proportional value relevant to the calculation.

Quid pro quo
This for that. An equal exchange of goods or services, or of money (or other consideration of equal value) for some goods or services.

Status Quo
The "state in which before" or "the state of affairs that existed previously".

Under penalty. A writ compelling testimony, the production of evidence, or some other action, under penalty for failure to do so.