How a new staff agreement comes to life

Enterprise bargaining agreements are the result of hard work and smart preparation

First, HACSU members develop a log of claims that will be sent to your employer - this is your wage and conditions wish list - and once this has been endorsed by HACSU members there can generally be no changes made to it.

If your employer responds saying they’re ready to begin bargaining, a team made up of HACSU member representatives and union officials is set up to start negotiating on your behalf.

If your employer refuses to negotiate, HACSU can apply for a majority support determination to prove to the Fair Work Commission that employees want an enterprise bargaining agreement, and this is done in front of the commission and is kept confidential, and negotiations will occur after the determination is made by Fair Work.

‍Negotiations begin, a process that can take many months, and during this time a position may be taken back to HACSU members for review before negotiations continue.

If your employer doesn’t agree on your claim you may take industrial action to try to convince them to change their position, but any action must be voted on by members before it can occur and notice needs to be provided to the employer - members’ names are kept confidential.

Workplace meetings are held to explain the proposed staff agreement and a ballot is held and, if the majority vote yes, your HACSU organiser drafts the agreement and lodges it with the FWC.

Fair Work reviews and registers the agreement, as long as it’s satisfied it passes the better-off-overall test, and the conditions of the new agreement can now be implemented and monitored by HACSU.

If, however, the majority of members vote no in the ballot it’s back to negotiation and/or industrial action.

HACSU organisers are experienced in enterprise bargaining agreement processes and as your representatives are there to support and guide you through the steps needed to achieve the best possible outcome for your workplace.

Remember, HACSUassist offers support and guidance for HACSU members and all calls are confidential. Just call 1300 880 032.