You can get up to 20 weeks pay

Australian unions, including your HACSU, first won working mothers a right to 12 months unpaid maternity leave in 1979

After more than 30 years of campaigning, working parents now get 18 weeks Paid Parental Leave (PPL) and 2 weeks Dad and Partner Pay (DaPP).

PPL provides all eligible primary carers of babies with 18 weeks pay at the federal minimum wage of $740.60 per week (as of Oct 2019). Primary carers must have the primary responsibility for the baby’s care.

The paid parental scheme now also includes 2 weeks’ Dad and Partner Pay. The PPL does not substitute current Paid Parental Leave Arrangements which may be in your workplace collective agreement.

Check with HACSUassist if you’re unsure whether you also have an entitlement in your workplace’s collective agreement.

Eligible parents are also able to claim 2 weeks Dad and Partner Pay (DaPP) for secondary carers at the Federal Minimum Wage, meaning your family can receive a total of up to 20 weeks pay.

DaPP is available for the biological father, partner of the child’s birth mother (including same-sex partner) or adoptive parent and can be taken at the same time as the primary carer is on PPL.

You can’t save up or cash out DaPP and the payment can’t be taken at the same time as any other paid leave.

To be eligible for the government PPL or DaPP Scheme, you must have completed at least 330 hours work (1 day per week) for 10 months in the 13 months prior to birth. This includes casuals, contractors and self-employed workers. The payment is a flat rate of $740.60 per week irrespective of what your hours of work were before taking PPL or DaPP.

Primary care givers individually earning more than $150,000 in the financial year prior to the date of birth or adoption are ineligible for PPL or DaPP.

Parents who don’t meet the minimum work requirements outlined above may still be eligible for the $560 Newborn Upfront Payment - the ‘Baby Bonus’.

For more info call HACSUassist on 1300 880 032 or email [email protected]. Full details about PPL and DaPP can be found at

Remember, HACSUassist offers support and guidance for HACSU members and all calls are confidential.