You're not in this alone

If you need to meet with management to discuss your work conditions - hours, workload, workplace flexibility, rosters or any other issue that affects your working life - you have the right to union representation

Before you attend a meeting alone with management call HACSUassist on 1300 880 032. Our experienced organisers will listen attentively to you and may pick up something you didn’t think of. They will also advise whether you should have representation attend with you.

Most employment agreements and workplace policies include processes the employer must follow before doing things like changing rosters or a statement of duties and tasks. Also, check agreements and policies to see if there is a special process for disciplinary meetings or anything else relevant to the issue you want to discuss.

It’s a good idea to ask management for a copy in writing of all relevant information before the meeting. This includes the right to accessing your personal file if needed. We suggest you call HACSUassist to contact the employer to make an appointment.

‍Prepare yourself well for this meeting. Do you have issues at home such as stress, health or family problems that are affecting your performance at work that you may need to ask the employer for assistance with? Are these temporary? If so, how long will they affect your role? Are there any problems in the workplace affecting your performance such as a bullying workmate or excessive workload? You may need to sit down with a HACSU organiser before the meeting to properly prepare by looking at what the issue is and what outcome you’re looking for.

You may be feeling very nervous about your upcoming meeting so it’s a good idea to practice with your HACSU representative beforehand - go over what you’re going to say and any likely answers to questions you might be asked.

Remember, you can take as many breaks as you need during the meeting and you don’t have to agree to anything at the meeting. It’s your right to be given the time to make an informed decision. If you have any concerns, call us, we’re here for you.

HACSUassist offers support and guidance for HACSU members and all calls are confidential. Just call 1300 880 032.