
Expert workplace advice

Get help when you need it from HACSUassist

HACSUassist is an advice and support line run by HACSU for our members. HACSU members are able to contact HACSUassist on 1300 880 032 for assistance and advice on workplace issues.

HACSUassist is the only specialised, locally based support team of its kind in Tasmania. The staff that make up HACSUassist are hugely knowledgeable, and make sure that our members get the right help quickly.

The HACSUassist team are available to field a wide variety of questions and requests, and can help you with such things including:

  • Representation at workplace meetings
  • Disciplinary matters
  • Issues regarding workplace bullying and harassment
  • Understanding your workplace Award and Agreement
  • Unfair dismissal
  • General industrial matters

Staffing hours for HACSUassist are 8:00am - 6:00pm Monday to Thursday, and 8:00am - 5:00pm on Friday.

Don't go it alone

If you are asked to attend a disciplinary meeting, don't go alone!

As a HACSU member, you have the right to have someone with you for support or for representation. Your employer must accommodate this if you want to have someone accompany you.

If you are called to a disciplinary meeting at work, you can contact HACSUassist, and we will arrange for a HACSU representative to go with you.

Legal representation

If you're a member, and you face an issue at work where you need legal representation, HACSUassist and HACSU's Legal Officer can help.

As part of your membership, we can provide representation for Tasmanian Industrial Commission matters, applications to the Fair Work Commission and anti-discrimination issues. You can read more about our legal protection for members by clicking here.

We also work in partnership with Hall Payne Lawyers for dealing with workers compensation and general legal matters, such as and wills, at a discounted rate for our members.