Acknowledgement of Country

We acknowledge the Traditional Owners and Custodians of lutruwita (Tasmania) - Aboriginal land, sea and waterways. We acknowledge, with deep respect the traditional owners of this land, the palawa and pakana people. Sovereignty has never been ceded. It always was and always will be Aboriginal land.

The palawa people belong to the oldest continuing culture in the world. They cared and protected Country for thousands of years. They knew this land, they lived on the land and they died on these lands. We honour them.

We recognise past atrocities made against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and that Australia was founded on the attempted genocide and dispossession of First Nations people. We acknowledge that colonial structures and policies remain in place today and recognise the ongoing struggles of First Nations people in dismantling those structures. The continual struggle to seek justice, to remember and address this nation’s pastis ongoing and is a necessary requirement for individual and collective healing processes.

HACSU support the Uluru Statement from the Heart to achieve justice, recognition and respect for First Nations people and a First Nations Voice in the Constitution. We accept the invitation contained in the Statement to walk together with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in a movement of the Australian people for a better future.

Read the Uluru Statement from the Heart