Professional Indemnity Malpractice Insurance

Tailored insurance cover for you

Included in your HACSU membership free of charge

Professional Indemnity Malpractice Insurance (PIMI) covers health professionals from mistakes that can cause injury, damage or financial loss incurred through advice or in practice.

Many professions in the sector, such as those that fall under AHPRA, require you to have professional indemnity malpractice insurance by law. It will protect you from legal claims in such an event, and is an essential for any and all persons who provide personal care.

Your HACSU membership provides this vital cover free of charge, and is included in your membership package with us. It's our way of further protecting you and your working life.

The insurance cover we offer is provided by industry leaders Tego, and is viable for claims up to $20,000,000. To read more about them and their overall policy, you can click here.

The benefits of having professional indemnity malpractice insurance

Nothing in the health profession is ever black and white. Mistakes can be made, and it is vital that when mistakes do happen, you have security to fall back on.

The cover is designed to give you peace of mind in knowing that, should a mistake be made or the wrong advice provided, your career won't suffer harmful impacts.

In our partnership with Tego, what we offer will also cover you from:

  • Civil liability
  • Investigations and complaints
  • Medicare audits
  • Coronial inquests
  • Privacy breaches
  • Telehealth services
  • Defamation

Who does professional indemnity malpractice insurance provide cover for?

PIMI is intended to cover anyone who provides personal care as part of their working career. This essentially means everyone in the health profession would benefit from having a PIMI policy.

Some examples of specific professions that PIMI covers are:

  • Anaesthetists
  • General practitioners
  • Obstetricians
  • Ophthalmologists
  • Orthooaedic surgeons
  • Physicians
  • Radiologists
  • Surgeons

Tego policies are tailored specifically to the individual, meaning that - regardless of your profession - you're receiving a policy that is catered to you and your professional requirements.