Who We Are

HACSU is one of Tasmania's largest and oldest unions

The Health and Community Services Union Tasmania represents more than 11,000 members employed across various health and community service industries in both the public and private sectors.

HACSU members, delegates, and organisers can be found at more than 1,500 worksites across the state, aiming to improve the working lives of members by negotiating improvements in wages and conditions and protecting workers' rights.

HACSU is the Tasmanian branch of the Health Services Union, a national body that represents over 100,000 members right across Australia who share the same values and ethos.

Our History

HACSU Tasmania has more than 100 years of history representing members' interests.

The union we now know as HACSU was first registered nationally on 12 April 1911 as The Hospital and Asylum Attendants Employees Union.

Membership of the union grew nationwide, taking in more and more health service workers from varying disciplines and sectors.

Several name changes of the union followed suite to reflect the larger and more diverse union of health workers.

A merger with the old Hospital Employees' Association in 1914 led the union to be known as The Hospital Dispensary and Asylum Employees' Association, whilst a further amalgamation 1930 resulted in the rather long Hospital, Dispensary and Asylum Employees' and Allied Government Officers' Federation moniker.

Our Vision and Values

We campaign to ensure our Members are accorded dignity, respect and fairness in all walks of life.

We organise to achieve fairer, safer, more democratic workplaces.

We build our strength by investing in our Members' full and active participation.

We equip our Members with skills and experience so they may better contribute to the pursuit of a more just society.

We strive to advance the health and well being of our community.

Our Rules and Governance

HACSU is governed by a set of national rules that are registered with Fair Work Commission and can only be changed by the National Council of the HSU.

HACSU is governed by a set of national rules for the Health Services Union. These rules apply to all branches of the union in Australia.

The rules are registered with Fair Work Commission and can only be changed by the National Council of the union. The rules cover matters such as defining areas of membership coverage, responsibilities of office bearers, and the objectives of the union.

The role and function of various union bodies such as National Council, National Executive and Branch Committee of Management are also spelled out in the rules.

The rules also determine how and when elections are held for all the officers and officials of the union.

To read our rules, you can visit the FWC website. You can also find out more about how we are governed by reading our dedicated Rules, Management and Governance page.